Lowering Blood Pressure to 120 Systolic May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss, Even Dementia

Exercise also seems to protect against memory loss and dementia

Keep your eyes on this development, folks. Potential game-changer. And a boon to Big Pharma. From NBCnews.com…

Lowering blood pressure to recommended levels can prevent dementia and the memory and thinking problems that often show up first [mild cognitive impairment], researchers reported Wednesday.

People whose top blood pressure reading was taken down to 120 were 19 percent less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment, the loss of memory and brain processing power that usually precedes Alzheimer’s, the study found. And they were 15 percent less likely to eventually develop cognitive decline and dementia.


It may take a few more years before the study conclusively shows whether the risk of Alzheimer’s was actually reduced because of the lower blood pressure,the researchers said.

It’s the first intervention that has been clearly demonstrated to lower rates of mental decline.


The findings come from a large trial of blood pressure called the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial, or SPRINT.

It has already found that lowering systolic blood pressure — the top number in a blood pressure reading — to 120 or less can prevent stroke, heart attacks, kidney disease and other problems.

Source: Tight blood pressure control can cut memory loss, study finds

Steve Parker, M.D.

PS: The Mediterranean diet also protects against dementia.

low-carb mediterranean diet

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Filed under Dementia

2 responses to “Lowering Blood Pressure to 120 Systolic May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss, Even Dementia

  1. mmec7

    Tosh. Pharma speak so they can push antihypertensive drugs. Many older people find that a low BP leads to dizziness and falls. MC

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